Saturday, January 28, 2012

Valparaiso and Viña del Mar

So this post is a little late in the making, but here it is anyway. Last weekend I went to Valparaiso and Viña del Mar for the weekend, in part on my own and in part with the abroad group. Viña del Mar is the glitzy tourist trap and summer break haven for all Chileans, Argentineans and people looking for a long beach and no ozone layer to get tan with. Valparaiso is a "Bohemian" city and former home to the famous Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. In reality, the majority of the city is grungy, smelly and crawling (literally) with stray dogs and their feces. Now that you have that image, there are some nice parts of the town, but they require a van to see. Most of the picturesque places of the city are up the hills and amidst the narrow and winding streets.

Enjoy the pics!

Market scene

Fish at the market

Viña del Mar

The Group in Valparaiso

The Congress building: Pinochet's legacy

Inside an old passageway leading to a historic elevator

Street art

Girl with her puppy

Chattin' with Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda's house in Valparaiso

Looking down to the port

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