Monday, April 2, 2012

Isla Negra

Isla Negra is a coastal town about an hour and a half from Santiago and south of Valparaiso, Chile. It is best known for the former home of poet Pablo Neruda, Chile's most famous poet. We, the members of the WashU program in Chile, were able to go on a program sponsored trip to this house and beach locale one Sunday at 9am. Lady Luck had it that my camera would die about 30 minutes into the day tour. His house was decorated with some of the strangest, but yet coolest things around. Namely, a collection of ship's prows... I mean, who wouldn't want several giant wooden women jutting out of the wall or the corner of the room? He also had collections of masks, ships in bottles, alcohol decanters, maps, suits, shells and probably other things that are too esoteric for me to remember. Either way, enjoy the pictures!

el grupo

a part of the house

steam engine...

the house!

the late poet's grave by the ocean

the pacific

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